WordPress templates are amazing tools among website templates for web enthusiasts to make it big online with a killer website. However, it can be heartbreaking to face seemingly tricky problems while installing your favorite WordPress theme/template. Here, we give you a head start by informing you about 5 of the common issues that you might face while installing WordPress templates, along with their cures.
The "Style.css stylesheet missing" error - Getting such an error message while installing a WordPress template could lead you into blaming the template developer for giving you a faulty zip folder. However, the problem might be in you not uploading the correct root folder. So, unzip the theme folder you downloaded, locate the sub folder containing the theme files, zip it separately and then upload. Your theme's installation will move ahead undisturbed.
Homepage is not even half as good as the demo - This could be really heartbreaking. However, you'd do well to use this cure before shouting at the template provider. Go to Settings > Reading and set the Front Page Displays option to 'Your Latest Posts'. This ensures that your website doesn't get stuck to a static home page and lets the theme's home page take over.
Posts throwing up the unpalatable 404 error - Take a deep breath, there could be permalink settings issues. Themes with custom post types are the ones that commonly show this behavior. Resetting the permalink settings should set you alright, if that's what's causing the problem. Go to Permalinks option under the Settings button and just hit the Save button to let the changes update.
New theme uses Features Images; old theme didn't - If you've purchased a dazzling new template, but have dozens of posts published without using featured images, it might seem like a tedious task ahead for you to change all published posts. However, there's a quick fix solution for you, and that comes in the form of plugins such as the Easy Add Thumbnail plugin.
Not seeing anything in your Menu? - Most probably, you're using your WordPress setup after a long time. Head over to Appearance and go to Menu, where you need to set it up.
Also there are many good Blogger templates converted from WordPress. If you looking for a simple and free blogging platform, Blogger will be the best option for you.